Vic + Flo Saw a Bear

dir. Denis Côté




Vic has just been relaeased from prission. She decides to retreat an old family property in a quiet forest. A few days after, Flor, her old lover, arrives in order to visit her. She is younger and not so lesbian because she also sleeps with men at local tabern. Vic is also afraid of Flo leaving her forever. No one arrives to her outdoor prision, except for Guillaue, the probation officer in charge of Vic's "progresses". It also arrives a friendly countenance looking woman. The new life of Vic and Flo, together, is threatened, even the forest seems to be setting them up for treacherous traps.

Director / Denis Côté Screenplay / Denis Côté Production / Stéphanie Morissette (La maison de prod), Sylvain Corbeil (Metafilms) Cinematography / Ian Lagarde Editing / Nicolas Roy Production Design / Colombe Raby Sound / Frédéric Cloutier Cast / Pierrette Robitaille, Romane Bohringer, Marc-André Grondin, Inka Malovic, Marie Brassard, Olivier Aubin

Ficción, 95 min.

Denis Côté

Perth-Andover, 1973. Independent filmmaker. He studied film at Collège Ahuntsic and is the founder of Nihilproductions (1994). He made several short films including Kosovolove (2002) and La sphatte (2003). He has also been a critic in radio, in magazines such as ICI (1999-2005) and he has also been the vice president of the Quebec Critic's Association. In 2005, his debut feature film, Drifting States, won the Pardo d'Oro al Lorcano. This film also won the best canadian movie award at the Acadie Film Festival. In 2009, his documentary, Carcasses, was showed at Cannes. In 2013, his film, Vic + Flo Saw a Bear, was premiered at the Berlinale, where it won the Alfred Bauer Prize. In 2015, the french Ministry of Culture and Communications named Côté officialy as knight for Order of Arts and Letters.


  • 2019 – Ghost Town Anthology
  • 2017 – A Skin So Soft
  • 2016 – Boris Without Béatrice
  • 2014 – Joy of Man's Desiring
  • 2012 – Bestiarie
  • 2010 – Curling
  • 2010 – The Enemy Lines
  • 2009 – Carcasses
  • 2008 – All That She Wants
  • 2007 – Our Private Lives
  • 2005 – Drifting States

Festivales y Premios

  • 2013 BERLINALE: Premio Alfred Bauer
  • 2013 Festival de Cine de Philadelphia: Mención honorífica
  • 2013 Festival Internacional de Cine de Cataluña
  • 2013 Festival de Cine de Estocolmo
  • 2013 Festival Internacional de Cine de Kauna
  • 2013 Festival de Cine de Calgary
  • 2013 Festival de Cine Queer Mezipatra
  • 2013 Festival de Cine Fantástico
  • 2013 Festival de Cine de Londres
  • 2014 Festival de Cine de Nashville
  • 2014 Festival de Cine de Bellfast


Título en Español: Vic y Flo vieron un oso
Título Original: Vic+Flo ont vu un ours
Título en Inglés: Vic+Flo Saw a Bear
País: Canadá, 2013
Idioma: Francés
Género: Drama/Thriller
Duración: 95 minutos
Formato: DCP con subtítulos en español + Bluray con subtítulos en español
Director: Denis Côté
Guión: Denis Côté
Producción: Stéphanie Morissette (La maison de prod), Sylvain Corbeil
Dirección de Fotografía: Ian Lagarde
Edición: Nicolas Roy
Diseño de Producción: Colombe Raby
Sonido: Frédéric Cloutier
Reparto: Pierrette Robitaille, Romane Bohringer, Marc-André Grondin, Inka
Malovic, Marie Brassard, Olivier Aubin

Vic acaba de salir de la cárcel. Decide retirarse a una vieja propiedad familiar cerca de un bosque tranquilo. A los pocos días, Flo, su antigua amante, llega a visitarla. Es más joven y no del todo lesbiana, pues cada tanto se acuesta con hombres en la cantina local. Vic teme que algún día Flo la deje para siempre. A esa prisión al aire libre no llegan visitantes, excepto Guillaume, el oficial que debe corroborar los “progresos” de Vic, y una mujer de semblante amable que pronto resulta ser una sombra del pasado. La nueva vida de Vic y Flo juntas se ve en peligro, e incluso el bosque parece esconder trampas traicioneras.

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