In the actual Irak, the information about what is currently happening in the war zones is replaced by propaganda. Even though the images come scarcely, the war is being documented everywhere, by everyone. The islamic militia record their actions with the purpose of showing off what they are capable of, in a military sense, and to obtain finacing in order to keep fighting. The ally army bans their soldiers from filming the conflict beyond the propaganda tapes for the american audicence. However, these orders are not always followed and tapes from the occupying troops end up in the internet. The security companies that operate in the country are also registering images of their labour. Presenting to all of you, live: the war.
“Un collage elaborado a partir de imágenes prohibidas, clandestinas y secretas de la guerra en Irak: las que ruedan los soldados y las que ruedan los terroristas. Atentados, sofisticados musicales en las bases aliadas, la preparación de una bomba e incluso discusiones en off sobre la mejor manera de filmar un atentado. Dejando de lado cualquier tentación snuff, Andrizzi mejora a Brian de Palma (Redacted) y demuestra que, nos guste o no, los espectadores somos ya parte del juego.”
– Gonzalo de Pedro, Cahiers du Cinema.
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